Friday, August 26, 2016

Armys in heaven

Revelation ch.19v14".The armys that were in heaven"(Intercontinental ballistic missiles)speed towards earth . John see them in heaven after the white horse event."followed him."(come after the battle of Armageddon)"upon white."(purifying)"horse's(thousands of warheads).
Destroying major cities all over the globe. An old testament scripture says "The saints"(ICBMs)" in heaven"(coming in from high altitude)"recline on there couch"(underground nuclear launch facilities) a "glass of wine"(wealth and political influences) in one hand and "soward"(military nuclear weapons) in the other and it is a "privilege"(man's place in God's Devine plan) granted by God to "slaughter the inhabitants of the earth"( nuclear weapons are used globaly).Planet wide nuclear war . Revelation ch19v15."And out of his mouth"(Because of the effects of the middle east nuclear war on,geopolitical, economical, military assets of all reaming nations. The nuclear leaders will knowing launch global destruction.There thinking, we'll see who crawls out of there bunkers.After the surface of the earth has been swept with the" broom of destruction."(old testament).The sword is the 10,000 saints.(Intercontinental ballistic missiles).The" voice of God rebuking the nation's at great distances.In contrast to Jesus on the war horse in Israel."And he shall rule them with a rod of iron"(Iseral will have control of nuclear weapons during the 1000 year,Millennium regin.)"All nations that do not bring there products to Iseral once a month shall suffer the plage, there eyes,tongues,and there flesh shall dissolve......"(old testament).Revelation ch19v16."And he had on his vesture "(consistent flashes of light from detonations as the warheads make there way across the middleeast around Jerusalem.)"And on his thigh"(a promise that the enemy's of Iseral would die in flames in the final battle Armageddon.)"and name written"(the effects of this war will last forever.)"KING OF KINGS."(This all out nuclear strike will leave Iseral KING of the world forever.The nuclear weapons are KING over standard military assets.)and "LORD OF LORDS".(the one who has control of the nuclear weapons will be LORD over all people.) Iseral will have control over the nuclear weapons during the Millennium. Israel will be LORD over the planet for the 1000 years with technology.The question is,is it Jesus or a nuclear war?

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