Friday, August 26, 2016

Armys in heaven

Revelation ch.19v14".The armys that were in heaven"(Intercontinental ballistic missiles)speed towards earth . John see them in heaven after the white horse event."followed him."(come after the battle of Armageddon)"upon white."(purifying)"horse's(thousands of warheads).
Destroying major cities all over the globe. An old testament scripture says "The saints"(ICBMs)" in heaven"(coming in from high altitude)"recline on there couch"(underground nuclear launch facilities) a "glass of wine"(wealth and political influences) in one hand and "soward"(military nuclear weapons) in the other and it is a "privilege"(man's place in God's Devine plan) granted by God to "slaughter the inhabitants of the earth"( nuclear weapons are used globaly).Planet wide nuclear war . Revelation ch19v15."And out of his mouth"(Because of the effects of the middle east nuclear war on,geopolitical, economical, military assets of all reaming nations. The nuclear leaders will knowing launch global destruction.There thinking, we'll see who crawls out of there bunkers.After the surface of the earth has been swept with the" broom of destruction."(old testament).The sword is the 10,000 saints.(Intercontinental ballistic missiles).The" voice of God rebuking the nation's at great distances.In contrast to Jesus on the war horse in Israel."And he shall rule them with a rod of iron"(Iseral will have control of nuclear weapons during the 1000 year,Millennium regin.)"All nations that do not bring there products to Iseral once a month shall suffer the plage, there eyes,tongues,and there flesh shall dissolve......"(old testament).Revelation ch19v16."And he had on his vesture "(consistent flashes of light from detonations as the warheads make there way across the middleeast around Jerusalem.)"And on his thigh"(a promise that the enemy's of Iseral would die in flames in the final battle Armageddon.)"and name written"(the effects of this war will last forever.)"KING OF KINGS."(This all out nuclear strike will leave Iseral KING of the world forever.The nuclear weapons are KING over standard military assets.)and "LORD OF LORDS".(the one who has control of the nuclear weapons will be LORD over all people.) Iseral will have control over the nuclear weapons during the Millennium. Israel will be LORD over the planet for the 1000 years with technology.The question is,is it Jesus or a nuclear war?

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Vesture of light (#3)

Revelation Ch.19v13."And he was clothed in a vesture"(Is a reference to the radiation emitted by the flash of light upon detonation.)"dripped in blood"(the effect of the mass extermination of end time armys.)A massive army that will leave a river of blood 200 miles long 5 feet deep.
The groups of armys that in circles Iseral will stretch from Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea up the Gaza Strip through Lebanon,Syria and Turkey, Iran and Iraq.And will be destroyed by the Samson initiative. "And his name is called "THE WORD OF GOD"(the undefeatable force of a nuclear campaign launched by Iseral.Gods word states. "God allowed man to build a sword of fire(nuclear weapons )to destroy himself and to destroy the fleeing serpent(probably our demon(plasmatic insecticides)and the dragon that lives at the bottom of the sea.(reptilian species).).Satan the demons and man will die together in the ""lake of fire"".which is the aftermath of the nuclear war called the battle of Armageddon. God states if I raise up one nation to destroy another nation I claim the glory Iseral is thar nation
And this event is THE WORD OF GOD in action.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rider of war horse (#2)

John the revelator views this war from high altitude"Heaven." Revelation ch19v11-12"And he who sat(a reference to underground nuclear weapons launch facilities)"faithful"(the promise that Iseral would hold the land.And the gentiles would be destroyed by fire.)"and true"(because it was happening then and there in front of John,hes the witness."He had eyes like the flame of fire."(air detonations above invading armys).Also eyes indicate knowledge of invading armys position and air detonations accuracy being chosen above the invading armys that threaten Iseral as she defends her self with the Samson initiative. "And on his head were many crowns."The "His head"(is the nation Iseral).chosen to rule the world ie.leader,head of the world during the 1000 year reign of crist. Israel will have control of nuclear weapons and use them at will during this period of time called the Millennium regin of Crist."where many crowns."(ground and air detonations of nuclear weapons will surround Iseral.John is in heaven with a panoramic of the middle east from Turkey to Egypt and from the Mediterranean Sea to Iran. Perception from high altitude"Heaven."To conclude the rider on the horse is Iseral the head of the rider is Jerusalem and the horse is the all out nuclear strike call the Samson initiative, know is bible text as the battle of Armageddon. "He had a name written that no man knew but him self"(the exterminator of the human spices.)He speaks his name when the detonations accrue. None live to hear his no man will know his name.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wrath of God (#4)

John the revelator and Habakkuk both seen the future nuclear holocaust. First a look at the simpler symbolic details of Habakkuk ch3v3-11."God"(nuclear weapons)"came from Teman"(the border or Jordan and Israel 200 miles south of Jerusalem)."His glory"(flash of light from nuclear detonation)" covered the heavens"(The sky and clouds will be illuminated by the burst of light from the detonations.)"the earth was full of his praise".(the incredible sounds of hundreds of nuclear bombs surface detonating around Iseral,then planetary ICBM.)"pestilence went before him"(radioactive blast wave that blisters, melts,burns and dissolves flesh ie.humans.)"Burning coals went forth at his feet"( thousands of degrees at detonation point the earth will melt and the blast will send molten rocks every where.)"the mountains were shattered "(broken apart by missile strikes)."the hills did bow"(earthquakes rocking the region around the nuclear battle field.)"you rode your horses through the dead sea and it evaporated.")multiple nuclear weapons will hit the dead sea(horse=multiple)."the oceans lifted it's hands..."(the earth is rocking back and forth creating title waves.)"the sun and the moon stood still in there habitation "(a crustal displacement)"at the light of thy glittering Spears."(Intercontinental ballistic missiles).John and Habakkuk both seen the same future nuclear holocaust. Habakkuk lays the format for understanding Revelation ch19.v11-16.

Apocalyptic Symbology

Revelation ch19v11-16. Is a symbolic manifest of this two part nuclear war.Veiwing this war from the vantage point of heaven John the revelator describes the battle.I will supply the interpretation."And I saw heaven open" (Air detonation of the first volley of nuclear missiles in what is called the Samson initiative at the border of Jordan and Israel 180 miles south of Jerusalem. And twenty miles south of the dead sea which is to be totally evaporated during this on slot of nuclear wepons.)"Behold"(definition to see something that has never been seen befor.)(John see nuclear bombs detonate,something new no man had seen at the time of Johns vision. "a White(purifying)Horse(war)=(a purifying war.)called the battle of Armageddon.Which at a 200 mile radius from Jerusalem a full circle
of nuclear warheads will be used against multi coalitions invading Israel starting at the border of Jordan and Israel 200 miles south of Jerusalem. Then the nuclear assault works it's way south west towards the Mediterranean up the Gaza Strip through Lebanon to Syrian hitting Turkey arching north east through Iran then south to Iraq. Israel's people will be in there underground bunkers.After this war ICBMS are launched plant wide burning everything from the surface. The details of this rider upon the horse clarifie the meaning of the vision and old testament scriptures give the key to interpreting Revelation Symbology.

Tomorrow's news (#1)

Jesus does not return in ch.19v11.This is a vision of a nuclear war called the battle of Armageddon and the global nuclear war referred to as the saints that return with Jesus.This war consist of two parts.Frist the return of Jesus on the white horse termed the second comming.This nuclear war is centrally located in the middle east surrounding Israel. The second part of this war referred to as the 10,000 saints are Intercontinental ballistic missiles launched plant wide,destroying major city's.